Produce a complete set of construction drawings using 3D-DASL© (i.e. plan and section views, conduit plans, grounding plans, and foundation plans). Produces a material list for everything needed to build the facility.

Cost Savings

Standardization and 3D-DASL© reduce design time requirements from 500 hours to just under 8 hours as compared to manual processes.

Benefits of 3D-DASL©

Creation of a detailed 3d model can be imported into a visualization program such as 3DS Max or AccuRender.

Here photorealistic images and animations can be created for sighting studies and permitting.

3D-DASLĀ© has the functionality to work with existing drawings. Giving the engineer the ability to work with existing facility drawings whether they are in raster (scanned image) or vector (existing AutoCAD drawing) form.


3D-DASL© can be a major cultural transformation within your organization by smoothing over interdepartmental boundaries by encouraging enterprise architecture.

3D-DASL© does not rely on a highly trained work force of engineers, technicians, or draftsmen with 3d cad knowledge to meet the workload .